Lizzie Crawford
From the age of seven I was always creating things with my hands, be it making my own clothes, crochet accessories from left over balls of wool, sculptures out of old wire or making necklaces out of melon seeds! My dream was to be a fashion designer and after getting married and moving to the USA I adopted the ‘CanDo’ attitude to following my dreams. Hard work and determination took me to producing my own fashion label and an exciting career as a fashion designer in the ‘80s and being nominated for the prestigious ‘Designer of the Year Award’ in 1982!
I am now enjoying experimenting with paint and creating art with mixed media always looking for new ways of mark making and pulling inspiration from my beautiful surroundings in leafy Surrey! I am currently enjoying pursuing fluidart which creates organic images relating to movement of water or the surrounding landscapes. My studio is surrounded by inspiration deep in the heart of the Surrey countryside and my beautiful woodland garden.
Telephone: 07973 625777