Raku Pottery Workshop
April 26
£120LIMITED TO SIX PEOPLE- 4 places remaining
A fun day for everyone looking to experience the joy and surprise of Raku pottery. The day starts at 10.30 and finishes any time between 4 and 4.30 ish. This is because we aim to have at least three firings and each firing of the kiln takes a longer or shorter time. A light lunch will be included, sandwiches, cakes, fruit etc. But please be sure to let us know of any dietary requirements, vegetarian, vegan, diabetes etc.
You must wear covered shoes, long trousers, no open toes, and have long hair tied back, and wear old warm clothing, smoke gets into your clothing just like it does on bonfire night!
During the day you will be encouraged to participate in every aspect of Raku firing. Glazing, firing up of the kiln, watching the pots as they mature, removing them from the hot kiln and placing in the combustion chamber.
Tea, coffee, water, and biscuits will be available as and when you’d like.
We don’t know if you have any experience with clay, but if you do and have any small bisque fired pots you would like to bring yourself please feel free to bring those as well, nothing too precious though as things can break easily, especially if the wall thickness varies as in sculptures.
Suzanne and Janet make all the bisque pots. Raku is decorative and is not suitable for food. You can seal the inside of your finished piece with yacht varnish to prevent water from seeping thro the clay so you can use it as a vase, but we’ve no personal experience of doing this.