Other Open Studios around the UK
There are many Open Studio events taking place in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. All are unique, offering a variety of opportunities for the public and their artists. Individual events can range from a block of studios in a small town, to district and countywide events.
They can be artist-led or local authority-led. They can be a part of a festival, run over a bank holiday weekend, run during the weekends in a month or open during several weeks in a year. Most Open Studio events take place in the summer. Some are biannual and others annual.
Some events are established as an independent organisation where artists join as members and Open Studios is just one part of an organisation’s annual programme. Examples of Open Studios events are Cambridge Open Studios, Dorset Arts Week, Stroud Valley Open Studios and Spring Fling (Dumfries and Galloway Open Studios).
- Aberdeenshire North East Open Studios
- Brighton Brighton Artists Open Houses
- Buckinghamshire Bucks Open Studios
- Cambridge Cambridge Open Studios
- Dorset Dorset Arts Week
- Dumfries & Galloway Spring Fling
- Hertfordshire HVAF Open Studios
- Isle of Wight Isle of Wight Arts Open Studios
- Jersey Open Studios
- Kent South East Open Studios
- North Somerset North Somerset Arts Week, Weston-super-Mare
- Norfolk Norfolk & Norwich Open Studios
- North Yorkshire North Yorkshire Open Studios
- Oxfordshire Oxford Artweeks
- Richmond Art House Open Studios
- Sheffield Sheffield Open Studios Event
- Somerset Somerset Art Week, SAW Ltd
- Stroud Site Festival, Stroud Valley Artspace
- Suffolk Suffolk Open Studios
- Surrey Kingston Artists Open Studios
- West Berkshire & North Hampshire Open Studios
- West Sussex Horsham Open Studios
- Wiltshire Marlborough Open Studios
- Wirral Art Wirral Open Studio Tour
- York York Open Studios