Annabel Hocking

Painter and Illustrator

Vibrant acrylic paintings and joyful ink and watercolour illustrations expressing the beautiful small moments of presence in nature and life. Art that celebrates the flick of a koi’s tail, a ripple of the ocean and the rustle of bamboo in the breeze. Afternoons spent meandering down the back streets of an unknown place and laying in the grass of a park as familiar as the back of your hand. I love to play between painting, experimenting with mixed media, collage and embroidery and creating illustrations to capture the feeling of joy in the moment. Trained in architecture, I\'ve become curious about how elements of this reveal themselves in my work. In my approach to space and composition or my affinity to a sense of place. At its heart my work is rooted in nature and invites you to slow down, take a breath and soak it all in.