Nicholas Everitt


I create large scale, bold, rhythmic, energetic and closely observed drawings in black and white. I often begin a piece with one of my found objects. These are generally small flotsam and jetsam found at home as well as on holidays, river walking and beach combing. I am interested in how and why an object demands your attention above others. It may be the patina, shape, weight, or the way the light strikes it or reflects off it. That moment of discovery, the process of searching, of something luring me to pick it up, is where my drawings begin. I have kept some of the items in my collection for years sometimes before knowing how I can use them in my drawings. My works evolve over many months and often have a number of layers and undergo many changes. I utilise a wide variety of pencils, charcoal, rags, rubbers, inks, powdered charcoal, masking tape, and masking fluid as a creative material. I love the balance of opposing forces such as light and dark, energetic and tranquil, serene and disturbed, which is why black and white is dominating my current work. Currently I am using one or a few found objects and manipulating them to create patterns and the potential initiation of a drawing. I have always been interested in the unconscious mind, and abstract art. I have developed a creative style that switches between randomness and thoughtful decision making to shape images. I love the serendipity and chance of the random juxtaposed with a more considered working method, and the swing and flow between the two. In this way a final drawing emerges. For me there is the added bonus of having a way to explore and resolve; one can only hope that it may resonate with others.

Telephone: 0208 891 4884 Home. 0777 571 1778 Mobile